Car dealerships often have hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars in inventory on their lots, which makes them a prime target for criminals. While most thieves may not be able to get away with stealing an entire car, they do tend to get away with stealing rims and other electronic valuables located within the vehicle. In addition, it’s also possible for catalytic converters to be stolen, as criminals can sell these parts for a couple of hundred dollars per unit. While thieves are making a profit, car dealership business owners are left to suffer the consequences, as criminals can cause thousands of dollars in damages and replacement costs.
There are security solutions such as in-house security guards, but these options can often be ineffective and costly. This is why Knight Surveillance Group, Inc. offers virtual security services that will have your lot completely protected in a cost-effective and successful way. Read below to find out more and contact us to get started today!
If you are interested in pursuing a greater security solution for your car dealership, there is no better team to work with than Knights Surveillance Group, Inc. We have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to successfully protect your property, so contact us to get started today.