Every year, thousands of businesses across the United States are broken into, resulting in millions of dollars worth of stolen merchandise and property damage. Unfortunately, criminals are rarely ever caught, but Knight Protection, Inc. is here to change that with our state-of-the-art remote surveillance camera systems. All businesses can benefit from these, but the following are four industries in particular that we believe we can help. Read on, then contact us for a quote today.
4 Industries That Should Have Remote Surveillance Cameras

Cannabis Dispensaries
Many cannabis dispensaries operate on a cash-only basis. Because of this, and the types of products they carry, intruders often target them for burglaries. With one of our real-time security systems in place, dispensary owners can trust that their property is being monitored live at all times by trained and experienced professionals.

Jewelry Stores
It’s no secret that jewelry stores keep a high volume of expensive merchandise on their properties. Criminals are aware of this, making jewelry stores a likely target for break-ins. By installing our remote surveillance cameras, our security experts can keep a constant watch over the property and record evidence in the event of theft.

Car Dealerships
Car dealerships typically have an inventory worth millions of dollars sitting out in the open on their properties. This makes them a popular target for thieves. However, with our remote, two-way communication surveillance systems installed, Knight Protection, Inc. can protect dealerships and immediately contact local authorities during a burglary.

Industrial Facilities
Did you know that industrial facilities are popular spots for intrusion? Because of the expensive equipment they utilize, such as copper pipes and wire, thieves often target them and damage machinery in the process. But thanks to our remote surveillance cameras, facility owners can deter intruders and catch them in the act.
At Knight Protection, Inc., we believe that every business can benefit from our advanced remote surveillance camera systems, but especially the four industries we’ve shared in this blog. If you’re interested in the best commercial security systems, contact us today.